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How To Repair Or Connect Rolled Baking Oven Belts / Z-Belts

Preparation of the Belt: If repair is needed, mark the damaged area of the Rolled Baking Oven Belt and identify the parts to be removed.

Preparation of the Belt

Remove Marked Damaged Parts: Use strong scissors to cut off the damaged area along the marked line.

    Remove Marked Damaged Parts

    Cleaning/Cutting off Wire Ends: Clean and cut the end weld of the wire to smoothly insert the coil into the existing belt interface.

    Cleaning/Cutting off Wire Ends

    Align Belt Ends: Pull the belt ends together and hold them in position. Temporary methods like cable ties or wire can be used.

    Align Belt Ends

    Use joining coils: Note that each belt join requires 2 coil strands due to its duplex coil construction. We include spare joining coils with each belt order.

    Insert First Coil: Rotate the first coil through both ends of the belt until it protrudes through both belt edges.

    Insert First Coil

    Insert Second Coil: Rotate the second coil through the alternate coil pitch space until it protrudes through both belt edges.

    Insert Second Coil

    Release Ties and Position Belt: Release any cable ties or wire and slowly drive the belt to position the joint at a rigid cross member or a terminal drum.

    Flatten Coils: Gently hammer the coils flat to match the remaining mesh once in position.

    Flatten Coils

    Cut and Loop Wire Ends: Cut and loop the wire ends to match the edges of the belt.

    Cut and Loop Wire Ends

    Final Check: Re-check the join to ensure a flat, even finish.

    Final Check

      These steps should guide you through the process of repairing or connecting rolled baking oven belts or Z-belts effectively, ensuring a secure and smooth operation of your conveyor system.

      Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post, if you wish to know more about this topic, please feel free to contact us today at Saryee Belting.

      Tel: +8618830800262

      Email: sales@saryeebelting.com

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